Choosing where to continue your education is a major decision and I believe that Scienta Vision System will be a choice you will not regret, especially if you are ambitious and determined to succeed.
As a result of our size, we are committed to focus on the needs of each individual student and aim to nurture them individually and ensure that their journey at SVC is a successful and life-enhancing experience.
Since the inception of this institution, it has been our constant endeavor to impart quality education and provide holistic development to our students. The college is committed to promote excellence and service through its untiring efforts to row continuously.
We seek to equip our young men and women with the very best preparation. Our departing Scientacians should be well rounded individuals who are well grounded in Islamic Spirit. We seek to instill in our students a passion for learning that will bring the knowledge and understanding they need to make a positive contribution.
In a world that rewards perseverance, resilience, initiative, problem solving and cooperation, our students leave well prepared for tertiary education, vocational training and professional colleges. I'm proud of the significant accomplishments of our students.
We encourage all our students to develop high expectations about themselves, their work and their behaviour, which is an expression of our values of personal best, integrity respect and responsibility.
The board range of opportunities and pathways offered in the Scienta Vision System, including medical, Engineering and Computer cater for the diverse interests, needs and abilities of our students.
I'm pleased that you are thinking about joining SVC to continue your studies.